About us

Learn more about how and why we started the journey that made BusinessWiz one of the leading providers for Diversity and Inclusion B2B services in the Nordics.

Read more on our work in the media section, too!

Why BusinessWiz?

BusinessWiz was born as an initiative to promote Diversity and Inclusion in the workplaces. Today, it caters many clients professionally with its Diversity and Inclusion B2B services in Finland, but also in the rest of the Nordics.

Our History

The co-founders Priyanka Banerjee and Samuli Yrjönen were inspired by their own experiences of working globally, to come up with a solution to improve the state of diversity and inclusion in the organizations. 

Originally from India, Priyanka worked as an IT consultant in Finland, when she started to realize the lack of understanding of diverse individuals in companies. 

Samuli, on the other hand, is originally from Finland and works with the construction industry. Being a young leader, he recognizes the need for inclusion in the organizations. Together, they identified a huge gap in the understanding of diversity and inclusive workplace culture within the organizations. As a result, they officially established BusinessWiz in 2019 to provide a sustainable solution for it.


Our vision is to build an inclusive society where every individual feels respected, has a sense of belonging, and receives an equitable opportunity of growth. Organizations are an integral part of the society and economy: our mission is therefore to equip the companies and their leaders with tools to build a better workplace culture, leading to a more empathetic society.


"Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."

Joseph Sugarman

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